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Dentist in Prince Albert On Oral, Overall Health Link

March 14, 2016

dentist in prince albertIt may sound surprising, but your dentist in Prince Albert is interested in more than your oral health. Dr. Janzen and Dr. Gogolinski are also concerned with your overall wellbeing — and that’s because the two are more closely linked than you may realize. Your mouth’s health can affect or be affected by a number of factors in the rest of your body. Continue reading to learn more about the connection and start living better today!

The Body Is A Complex Machine

Not one of our body parts exists on its own: the heart needs blood to run, and the brain needs oxygen from our lungs to live. Our general health, therefore, relies on the strength of each of our parts. To keep your machine running strong, make sure your oral health is in check by keeping up with good oral hygiene. Brushing for two minutes, twice a day, flossing daily and visiting your dentist every six months are all crucial for a healthy smile.

Patients who suffer from tooth and gum problems may also experience the following health issues.

Heart Trouble

Gum disease has been linked to a number of problems in the heart, including high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular disease. While the link hasn’t been fully explained, the thinking is that when the gums are infected, bacteria has easy access to the bloodstream — and a straight entry to the heart.

In addition to excellent cleaning habits at home, tobacco users should also kick the habit immediately. Smoking and other forms of the substance are one of the greatest risk factors for gum disease.

Missing Teeth

No matter the cause of missing teeth, they must be replaced — and not just for cosmetic reasons. When a smile experiences tooth loss, the jawbone starts to slowly disintegrate, resulting in a changing mouth shape and even more missing teeth later on.

Tooth loss can damage self-confidence and inhibit your ability to eat and speak with ease. Learn how dental implants are the best option for tooth replacement — the only thing that gives you back your missing tooth and its root.

Problems with Sleep

If you experience daytime fatigue, confusion or irritability due to poor sleep, you could be suffering from a condition known as sleep apnea. It’s incredibly common for adults these days, but it all too often goes un- or misdiagnosed. Unfortunately, left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to serious heart problems and even premature death. If you suspect you or a loved one are suffering from the condition, don’t wait to seek a diagnosis and treatment from your dentist immediately.

You Can Count On Your Dentist in Prince Albert

Maintain your oral health with regular visits to your dentist, and you’ll be strengthening your overall wellbeing, too. Dr. Janzen, Dr. Gogolinski and the whole team are here to help you thrive with a healthy smile. Schedule your appointment today!

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