Good oral care starts at home with regular brushing and flossing—but it shouldn’t end there. Professional cleanings and checkups are essential for enjoying good health and wellbeing for the long term. That’s in part because the tools of dentistry are more advanced. In the hands of a skilled hygienist, these tools can create better results than just brushing and flossing alone.
Your next checkup with our Prince Albert team will also include a full oral exam by Dr. Wilson. During your exam, we’ll look for signs of the most common oral health problems, including tooth decay, gum disease, teeth grinding, TMJ dysfunction, and even oral cancer. Diagnosing and treating these problems early is important. When left untreated, they can have a serious impact on your health and wellbeing.
For best results, we recommend visiting our Prince Albert office every six months for a total of two visits per year. With frequent care, your smile will be cleaner and healthier, which will help you prevent the most common dental problems from forming in the first place.
Are you ready to schedule your next checkup with Dr. Wilson? Give us a call today to reserve your appointment. We’re happy to offer preventive checkups and cleanings to patients from all across Prince Albert and Saskatchewan.
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