Going to the dentist can be a nerve-wracking experience for some patients, and this anxiety causes many to miss out on much needed dental care every year, leaving their teeth vulnerable to developing serious problems. For these patients, our practice is able to offer a solution that’s proven to help even the most fearful relax: sedation dentistry. Whether you’re just a little anxious or completely terrified, these treatments will ensure you always have a pleasant experience in our office, no matter what you need.
For patients with mild to moderate dental phobia, oral conscious sedation offers a relatively easy way to relax at the dentist. We’ll simply prescribe you a medication to take the day of your visit that should help any lingering dental nerves seemingly disappear. You’ll still remain awake and able to respond to simple commands during your appointment, but time will seem to fly by very quickly as the necessary dentistry is completed, comfortably and efficiently.
Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as “laughing gas,” is best for those patients who just need a little help “taking the edge” off for their dental visits. A patient simply inhales the odorless gas through a small mask placed over the nose, and within minutes, they should feel a deep sense of warmth and happiness. Patients wear the mask for the entire appointment. It will take some time before they will feel back to normal, so we require a responsible adult to accompany them.
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