Most of the time when a patient struggles with tooth decay, the problem is limited to the surface of the tooth. But if decay is allowed to worsen, it’s possible for decay to move beyond the surface of the tooth to the nerve at the very center. When this happens, an infection can develop, causing more advanced symptoms, including sensitivity to hot and cold foods or drinks.
Thankfully, there’s a simple, straightforward service used to treat teeth with deep decay or an infection. It’s called a root canal treatment.
During a root canal treatment, Dr. Wilson will access the interior of your tooth and remove all traces of infection from it. Your tooth’s nerve will also be removed. Then your tooth will be filled with a safe, biocompatible material and a protective crown will be placed over it to restore its strength and functionality.
Your root canal will be performed comfortably and in a single appointment. Afterwards, you can look forward to smiling and eating with confidence again.
Are you experiencing uncomfortable symptoms that may be attributed to a decayed or infected tooth? Dr. Wilson would be happy to help you. During a consultation, we can assess your needs and talk to you about whether or not a root canal is the best solution. We offer root canal therapy to patients in and around Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment.
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