While modern dentures are better than they’ve ever been, the fact is that they’re still lacking a bit in strength and stability. There are some foods you still can’t eat with your prosthetic, and some things you may struggle to do easily.
By anchoring your prosthetic in place, implant dentures from Legacy Dental can help you smile confidently and live comfortably. Make an appointment with us and we’ll be happy to talk about what they can do for you.
As you might know, dentures are an acrylic prosthetic that can be used to replace most or all of the teeth on a gum ridge. Traditionally they adhered to the gums entirely via suction, but that’s not the case with implant dentures; instead, the prosthetic is connected to thin metal rods that are surgically placed into the jaw. This increases your dentures’ durability and strength, affording patients a much more comfortable experience.
Fixed implant dentures, as the name would imply, are designed to stay firmly in place. They can’t be removed from the dental posts except by a dental professional and are cleaned via brushing normally, which some patients prefer to having to soak their prosthetic. However, they require greater jawbone density for support.
Removable dentures, a.k.a. “Snap-On dentures,” can be taken off of the dental implants at will. In this case, your prosthetic is attached by either clips or ball sockets, holding them in place until you pull them off. These dentures will need to be removed for cleaning but require fewer total dental implants in order to stay in place.
As with any substantial dental treatment, the first step will be to talk to you at a consultation about what it is that you need and design your prosthetic for you. We’ll also perform any preliminary treatments that you need, like removing teeth or gum disease therapy.
The next step will be the placement of the dental implants, which will involve surgically inserting the metal posts into the jaw. You will then wait for the implants to fuse with the jaw (a process known as osseointegration) which will take place over several months. Once this has finished you’ll receive your final dentures, enjoying the benefits of a brand new smile!
Implant dentures are ideal for patients who are missing most or all of their teeth, but are dissatisfied with traditional dentures. They’re also best suited for patients that are in fairly good oral health overall, i.e. whose gums and remaining teeth are strong and free of disease. You’ll also need enough jawbone density to support the implants; if you’re lacking in this department, you may need a bone graft before you get your dental implants.
We’ll talk to you in greater detail about whether this treatment could work for you when we meet you in person.
Implant dentures can require a little bit of a larger upfront investment, but also offer serious benefits over traditional prosthetics. For example:
If you’re interested in learning more about what this treatment could do for you, make an appointment with us today!