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ER or Dental Office: Where Should You Go for Emergency Dental Care?

December 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 2:57 pm
Man in long sleeve shirt wondering

If you’re in the middle of handling a dental injury – whether it’s a severe crack in your enamel or a completely knocked-out tooth – you might be wondering what you should do next. Should you go to the ER? Should you call your dentist? Read on to learn the answer!


Welcome Dr. Eduardo Tovar to Legacy Dental!

August 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 7:31 pm
Dr. Eduardo Tovar

Meet Dr. Eduardo Tovar, the newest addition to our team here at Legacy Dental! Originally from Merida, Venezuela, Dr. Tovar earned his DMD degree from the University of Saskatchewan, and to date, he has earned his NDEB certification, CBCT certification, Invisalign certification, and CEREC certification.

We’re thrilled to have him on our team not just because of the increased capacity and additional services he offers, but also because he believes in our philosophy of making a meaningful difference in patients’ lives by restoring their confidence in their smiles. Keep reading to learn more about everything he brings to our practice!


Doing Your Back-to-School Shopping? Consider Getting Your Child an Athletic Mouthguard

July 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 11:11 pm
Child soccer player drinks water

Sports are an excellent way for children to have fun, get exercise, and learn teamwork, but they can come with significant risks to their dental health. Luckily, many dental offices offer high-quality customized athletic mouthguards that can give your little athlete the protection they need to keep their smile safe. Here’s a brief guide to these wonderful appliances that can spare your child from many painful and expensive dental emergencies.


Dental Implant Inquiry: When Can I Return to Work?

April 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 6:58 pm
Diverse group of professionals conversing around a table

If you’ve suffered from tooth loss and are considering replacements, there’s a good chance that you could benefit from dental implants. These restorations are the only ones that are surgically embedded into your jawbone, which means they provide unique advantages over alternatives like dentures or dental bridges.

Many patients have questions about how long they must wait after their procedure to return to work. If you’re considering dental implants and want to plan ahead, keep reading to learn more!


Tooth-Friendly Hors D’oeuvres Ideas for Your Next Party

December 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 7:37 pm
Aesthetically pleasing meat and cheese tray

Do you enjoy hosting friends and family at your home? You may eagerly be planning the menu for your next party. But what should you serve as food? Some hors d’oeuvres feature sticky or hard items that might harm your guests’ oral health. Fortunately, there are lots of foods that you can serve without worrying about sending someone you care for to the dentist. Here are some ideas:


Uncorking Holiday Cheers: Tips for Evading Red Wine Stains on Your Teeth

November 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 5:49 pm
Friends tasting wine for the holidays and thinking about teeth whitening

While feasting during this festive time of year, many families turn to rich red wine as their beverage of choice. The fruity and complex liquid is great for pairing with the heavy foods of the holidays. However, it is also notorious for staining teeth. In fact, many turn to teeth whitening once all the holiday cheer has drained from their cups.

If you want to avoid staining your pearly whites this year, continue reading. You’ll find several tips for keeping your smile lit up like a holiday candle.


What to Expect If You Haven’t Seen a Dentist in a While

October 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 8:13 pm

Close up of dental cleaningYour toothbrush and floss are the most important tools you have at home to combat cavities and gum disease. However, they can’t clean everywhere in your mouth and oral health issues can still occur. The American Dental Association recommends a cleaning and checkup every 6 months, but 35% of adults never see a dentist. People delay dental care for many reasons, but it’s never too late to commit to your oral health. If it’s been a while since your last preventive appointment, here’s what you can expect 


4 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Restore Your Youthful Glow

August 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 4:53 pm
Elderly woman looking refreshed and smiling with bright white teeth

The key to a great first impression is a healthy, beautiful smile. However, as you age, you may start to feel more anxious about showing off your pearly whites. You should always be proud of your grin. If you’re seeking the confidence you had in your younger years and are looking to turn back the clock on your smile, here are 4 ways cosmetic dentistry can help restore your youthful glow.


3 Reasons to See Your Family Dentist Before Summer Vacation

June 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 8:42 am
family playing on the beach

Summer is finally here in full swing, and now that your kids are out of school, you may want to use this time to go on a fun family vacation. No matter where you go, however, there are a few things you’ll carry with you—like your teeth!

It’s generally a good idea to see your dentist for a checkup before you go on vacation. Here’s why that is.


Wedding or Special Event? When to Start Teeth Whitening

May 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 8:37 pm

Beautiful smiling brideTeeth come in many shades and they change color over the years from various factors, like drinking a lot of coffee. Although few people have bright, white teeth naturally, tooth discoloration can make your smile look aged and dull. If you have a big event coming up, you can revamp your pearly whites and boost your self-esteem with teeth whitening. As the big day approaches, here’s when you should start teeth whitening to ensure your smile is its brightest in time.


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